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ESH Community – maintaining last year’s prices for the start of 2025!

We’re a small not-for-profit residential drug and alcohol rehab centre providing professional medically assisted detox and rehabilitation services, and although everyone’s costs to provide services are increasing we’ve decided to maintain last year’s prices for the start of 2025. 

Give us a call to see how we can help.




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If you have any comments about DrugWise Daily or to find out about sponsorship please contact the Editor: Jackie Buckle




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Information and other resources to support commissioners, service providers and others providing alcohol and drug interventions





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Harry Shapiro








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Reports February




Official Statistics - Smoking profile: February 2025 update

An overview of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco-related harm, vaping use and the measures being taken to reduce smoking-related harms at a local level in England | OHID, UK

Official Statistics - Alcohol profile: February 2025 update

Update of indicators in the alcohol profile interactive tool. In the financial year 2023 to 2024, there were 339,916 alcohol-specific hospital admissions, 280,747 alcohol-related hospital admissions under the narrow definition, and 1,018,986 alcohol-related hospital admissions under the broad definition in England | OHID, UK

Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK: registered in 2023

In 2023, 10,473 deaths from alcohol-specific causes were registered in the UK, the highest number on record, but the rate of alcohol-specific deaths (15.9 per 100,000 people) decreased slightly compared with 2022, (16.6 deaths per 100,000 people). The rate of alcohol-specific deaths for males remained around double the rate for females (21.9 and 10.3 deaths per 100,000 people, respectively); this is consistent with previous years. England and Wales had an increase in the rate of alcohol-specific deaths compared with 2022. Scotland and Northern Ireland continued to have the highest rate of alcohol-specific deaths | ONS, UK

A decade long exploration of non-fatal opioid overdose 2011 to 2021 (PDF)

Non-fatal opioid overdoses remain a critical public health concern in Ireland. This report integrates data from national and Dublin-specific sources to identify key trends, high-risk populations, and service gaps. It offers evidence-based recommendations to enhance prevention, treatment, and recovery outcomes across diverse populations, from older patients facing polypharmacy related risks to younger individuals with hidden or shifting substance use patterns | Trinity College, Ireland