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Testimonial from Jim Young: Former editor of DrugWise Daily
My name is Jim Young and in 2009 I was the founding editor of DrugScope Daily. I ran the newsletter for approximately three years before leaving due to an episode of ill health.
So It was with a particular sadness that I heard of the recent demise of DrugScope and of the imminent cessation of DrugScope Daily.
I am writing to say how I much have admired the way that DrugScope Daily has gone from strength to strength since I left, which is entirely due to the stalwart efforts of Jackie Buckle and the oversight of Harry Shapiro.
I know from personal experience that maintaining the standard of the content of DrugScope Daily involves continuous work every day, every evening and very early every morning. To ensure that all pertinent and important information is included involves visiting hundreds of websites every day. The work is unrelenting but very rewarding, as the testimonials to DrugScope Daily show. Being the recipient of innumerable press releases and digital feeds and RSS alerts also demands constant vigilance. Drilling down to the source articles or PDF reports does save the readers of DrugScope Daily from having to cut their way through often impenetrable jungle of links and pages, and does emphasise the time (and therefore money) that is saved by our colleagues in all organisations in all sectors of the field, and this is as considerable as it is immeasurable. Winnowing the wheat from the chaff ensures the staple of your daily news feed and I worry that the cachexia from being starved of this flow of information will lead to the knowledge pool of all who work in the field withering on the vine.
I do not know how DrugScope Daily can be saved! Other than to plead that if you can think of any way that you, or your organisation can support the current editors of DrugScope Daily to survive then please get in touch with either Jackie or Harry.
Although I have moved on to pastures new (a diabetes news service) I am still a subscriber to DrugScope Daily and I will do all I can to help ensure its survival. If you have any questions about the role of an editor of DrugScope Daily then feel free to contact me directly on
More testimonials
Just wanted to say I use these all the time for the policy briefing – it is the most useful source of information out of many newsletters I receive. It is also one of the most interesting – well presented. Timely and relevant.
Christina Barnett, Policy Intern, Adfam
An incredible organisation! DrugScope Daily certainly helps with my history and politics degree. A huge thanks for retweeting my dissertation survey too. I don't know where half of the students on the Politics and Drugs course would get their information without you!
Sophie Wood, Student at the University of Nottingham
Just like to express my thanks to you and the Drugscope team for putting this together. I think it’s an excellent resource and is the best way I keep up to date with what’s going on in the D+A field. Love the DDN too, so thanks a lot.
Andy Mills
Manager, St Mungo's S&W Substance Use Team
There’s no denying the value of DrugScope Daily in getting to those involved in the drug treatment sector. Thank you for this very useful service.
Jane Eccles, Corporate communications manager. National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse
Thanks for your stimulating daily dose of wide-ranging research abstracts, news and information. We appreciate the fact that it includes useful prevention related information which we believe to be very important. It goes down particularly well when sipping fresh morning coffee. (De-caf of course!)
Andy Travis. Mentor International.
Please keep up your good work. I produce a current awareness for the members of my library and, since the disappearance of the Daily Dose, the DrugScope Daily has become a crucial source for what's new out there. A real information lifeline!
John Brooke, Librarian, Ian Smith Drug Reference Library, ADD Workforce Development & Training, Prestwich Hospital
I’ve been following the developments in the UK’s drug policy for over 15 years now and really appreciate the service from DrugScope Daily. It’s hard to get an overview of what’s happening, the debate (if that’s the right word) around drugs policy is highly polarised and perhaps no single source can be truly relied upon. DrugScope Daily provides a valuable digest from a range of sources which would not otherwise be presented together in one place. It is a very valuable resource and may it long continue.
Derek Williams, UKCIA
It is great for looking at how things develop internationally. As an expat Brit its also good to keep abreast of UK developments in particular.
David Gilmour, Community Alcohol and Drug Service, Auckland, New Zealand
Currently as a consultant and researcher in the drugs field and previously as Chief Executive of Drugs charities, I have always found the clearly signalled summation of current news and issues invaluable and easy to negotiate so I can quickly see the areas that are of interest. There is no equivalent service.
Eric Carlin, Consultancy
Short, sharp and pithy, that’s how I like my DrugScope Daily news service
Roger Howard, Chief Executive, UKDPC (UK Drug Policy Commission)
DrugScope Daily is an excellent daily update, and the reading of it is essential in my view, simple as that. For me It offers a broad and unbiased selection of current, and importantly relevant news and developments from around the world, and certainly helps the me feel more informed.
Stephen Malloy, National Training & Development Officer-Critical Incidents and Naloxone, Scottish Drugs Forum
I find DrugScope Daily is the most useful single resource available within the drugs and alcohol field, providing access to the latest news on policy, comment and research within the UK and internationally. Without it there would be no possibility of keeping fully up to date with developments and therefore I encourage all managers and practitioners within our organisation to access it daily.
Stuart Campbell, Chief Executive, Westminster Drug Project Ltd
DrugScope Daily is extremely informative giving up to dates news and views on drug and alcohol issues in the UK and worldwide. Keep up the good work!
Peter Simonson, Frontline, Camden Service Users Group
I love receiving DrugScope Daily and it is a very important resource for me. It keeps me up-to-date on the latest alcohol and other drug issues from around the world as well as presenting the breadth of opinions on the different issues. Its coverage of UK drug and alcohol issues illicit drugs is first class so it must be a critical resource for the UK alcohol and other drug field. It is a vital resource for me.
John Rogerson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Drug Foundation
Along with the morning coffee, the unfailing arrival of DrugScope Daily frames my day with a focused, but comprehensive survey of breaking news - the information that I need to know about. An essential service for all in the field.
John Marsden, Reader in Addiction Psychology, King's College London
I was introduced to this site by the Oxfordshire DAAT and have found Daily News a very useful tool. It keeps me up to date on what is happening not only in the UK but across the world. It is informative and provides information on policy and innovative projects.
Linda Ludlow, Drug Strategy Coordinator, Community Safety, Oxford City Council
DrugScope Daily and your twitter feed are a fantastic resource and really help make sure that I’m on top of developments in the drug field beyond my own interest in education and prevention. I think without it we’d all struggle to have such a comprehensive understanding of where debate and evidence is headed.
Andrew Brown, Coordinator, The Drug Education Forum
Your publication of Daily news is of great value to us in judging trends and taking action. Please keep up the good work.
Brian Goodinson, Engagement & Communications Project Manager, Wirral Drug and Alcohol Action Team
The DrugScope Daily provides an invaluable service to our organisation. As we work as volunteers alongside our full time jobs, it provides an early morning fast track to any news we should be reacting to.
Jolene Crawford, Co-founder, TDPF Scotland
DS is essential daily reading with morning coffee - an excellent way to keep up with news and views.
Annette Dale-Perera, Strategic Director of Addiction and Offender Care, Central and North West London Foundation Trust, London
DrugScope Daily is a hugely valuable resource. As an independent worker in the field it offers a remarkably comprehensive digest of the emerging policy and practice news. It saves a lot of time and is scrupulously even handed and politically neutral. In my previous role, managing policy and research workers it made an excellent start to the working day: concise, digestible and a good orientation for the working day. There is nothing else like it and DrugScope Daily informs the whole field from service users and front line practitioners to policy makers.
Trevor McCarthy, Independent Consultant and Trainer, Leicester
DrugScope Daily is comprehensive, concise, and well edited. I consider it an indispensible source for the latest news on drugs and alcohol.
Dirk Hanson, editor, Addiction Inbox blog, USA
It is difficult to describe how much I value DrugScope daily news. It keeps me up to date with drug news over the world and it provides many links to in-depth studies and research. Each year I recommend that all my students studying Politics and Drugs and Narcoterrorism register for this excellent service.
Keep it – it is an outstandingly useful source.
Dr Sue Pryce, Associate Professor, School of Politics & IR, University of Nottingham,
DrugScope Daily is an excellent information service, providing an update of current news and evidence at a glance and has been extremely valuable in supporting the rapid dissemination of our work.
Jim McVeigh, Deputy Director, Reader in Substance Use Epidemiology, Centre for Public Health, Research Directorate, Faculty of Health and Applied Social Science, Liverpool John Moores University
As an academic it’s easy to keep up to date with the latest research evidence published in the scientific press, but its often more important, especially in a field such as drug use, to see how this research and evidence is interpreted and reported in the wider world. The DrugScope Daily is the best way I know to keep up to date with popular reporting of drugs issues, and sometimes even to find that vital research finding that may have otherwise escaped my notice.
Dr Harry Sumnall, Reader in Substance Use, Head of Research Development, Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University
I'm delighted to give a testimonial to DrugScope Daily News. I find it invaluable in my work, giving me links to a variety of important reports and articles that I would probably never otherwise discover. It is even more important now in this new age of public sector budget cuts as I am no longer able go to conferences. Keep up the good work.
Nina Smith, Programme Lead (Alcohol, drugs and acquisitive crime), Safer Communities Team, Department of Adult and Community Services, City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
DrugScope Daily is an invaluable resource for a professional in the drug and alcohol field. I work strategically and having a collation of relevant information delivered free to my in-box daily is hugely beneficial. It helps me not to miss key documents, events and news stories and often stimulates me around projects I am working on. I am hopeful that this service will continue and am happy for you to publish my comments if helpful.
Max Harris, Governance & Quality Manager, Bristol Drug Strategy Team
As a worker who still sees himself as fairly new to the drink & drugs
treatment world, I have found the range of articles and debates which
DDN brings to my inbox every day extremely useful and informative.
I dare say that, when the time comes for me to look for another job, the
vacancies pages will also be very useful!
Hugh Price, Substance Misuse Practitioner, Harbour Drug & Alcohol Services
Your DrugScope Daily News really is compulsory reading here – it is emailed daily to every member of staff. It is a reassuring presence in the In Box, because it means that we are most unlikely to miss out on important news affecting our treatment services. In addition to the daily news, the links down the left hand side are also useful – I know I can go back and find useful links there on current topics, especially around the ever-shifting landscape of voluntary sector funding. It is a bulletin valued by many of us here, because keeping up-to-date couldn’t be made simpler.
Colin Levine, Business Development Co-ordinator, The Nelson Trust
DrugScope Daily has been an essential tool for me that allows me to stay on top of the research papers and drugs news that is produced worldwide, I recommend it to every drugs worker I know. It is wonderfully supportive of people and services who are trying to get out harm reduction messages to the substance misuse community using both the free email service and other forms of social media.
Nigel Brunsdon, Injecting Advice Ltd
As you know, I have supported your invaluable efforts for many years.
As a previous regular subscriber to Daily Dose, I did all I could to support your efforts to keep it going and was extremely pleased when DrugScope took over the mantle.
As a consultant I find the daily coverage of the drug and alcohol field indispensible.
Long May it continue. Please.
Dr Rob Tunbridge, Independent Drug & Alcohol Impairment Consultant, Rayleigh, Essex
DrugScope Daily News is my daily paper. I look forward to it popping into my inbox every morning and find the linked articles and documents essential reading.
Chris Bradley, Support Worker, Homeless Project, Hull
DrugScope Daily is an invaluable source of the latest news and developments within the drugs field. As someone who delivers substance misuse awareness training, it is an important resource to enable me to keep up to date with issues, in order that I can accurately and judiciously inform my learners of current reports, changes in the law and research findings. I’d be lost without it!
Jane Barker, Training and Development Coordinator, Wolverhampton YMCA
The drugs and alcohol field can sometimes seem full of cyclical change. DrugScope Daily and its previous iteration Daily Dose were genuinely new developments - a simple almost magical way of communicating information that is stimulating, accessible, and unfailingly interesting. Long may it continue
Neil McKeganey, University of Glasgow
DrugScope has become part of my life. As a drug agency NGO manager and as a researcher I read DrugScope on a daily basis. In the international literature American studies are dominated, but - accepting their important role - I welcome non-American studies and opinions. e.g. very exciting to follow your country level discussion on legal debate on different drugs (eg. Nutt's proposal or the case of mephedrone). Your continuous effort on alcohol issues raised similar questions from me about the Hungarian situation. Several times I used DrugScope information for teaching or for informing our colleagues or for posting an issue (mainly connecting to alcohol) to our blog. The approach you deal with alcohol issues is very interesting and novel for me. The other big issue is the recovery movement. DrugScope was the first source where I met this approach in a detailed form. I also try to apply conceptual elements of this approach in my work.
Jozsef Racz, MD, PhD, Director, Blue Point Drug Counselling and Outpatient Centre, Budapest, Hungary
My first act of every working day is to open the DrugScope Daily News email. I find it to be extremely useful in keeping me up-to-date and over the years have downloaded and distributed a number of the highlighted documents and reports. It is a valuable resource that I regularly recommend to others.
Dr Alex Crawford, Chief Executive, RCA Trust, Paisley
DrugScope Daily News is a brilliant source of targeted sector specific news and information. Freelancers and small organisations are not part of Government or other corporate intranets so this service is especially valuable to us. Keep up the good work.
Richard Tamlyn, Devon
DrugScope Daily is a fantastic resource – I don’t think I would be able to keep up with everything without it. Along with my coffee and toast it has become a main staple to my morning breakfast!
Rebecca Daddow, Researcher, User Centred Drug Services Project & Recovery Capital Project
I work with adolescents attending a residential withdrawal program. I’ve just completed my Masters (Public Health) dissertation on adolescents and substance use. Receiving DrugScope Daily news was invaluable for me to check the latest reports and news worldwide for my study. It’s also been a great resource to share with my colleagues to keep them up to date with the latest news and issues of concern from a variety of perspectives. For anyone seriously interested in substance use research and delivering interventions, and providing best practice information, Daily News is my first point of call.
Susan Ann Rushton, Brisbane, Australia
DrugScope Daily is a boon to any busy charity involved in drug and alcohol work. By collecting relevant media items in one easy-to-read document (a service which we would otherwise have to pay for), Hope UK staff and Trustees are kept abreast of developments in the field without having to devote a great deal of time to scanning countless publications. Thanks to DrugScope and Drink and Drug News for a collaborative effort that pays dividends in terms of time and money saved to charities with neither time nor money to spare.
Marolin Watson, Business Manager, Hope UK
The daily news I receive from DrugScope is for me a vital way to start the day. Where else would I find a news digest, pointers to research, policy and strategy documents, trends in use, and considered opinion on issues in the field of substance use and misuse? Please keep up the essential and good work!
David McClean, Young Person's Substance Misuse Specialist, Drug and Alcohol Team, Reayrt Noa, Noble's Hospital, Strang
If DrugScope Daily didn't exist someone would have to start from scratch to reinvent it. DrugScope Daily is that rarity - truly an invaluable service which regularly picks up on important documents and developments I would otherwise have missed. And without it our own attempts to disseminate new research analyses would be seriously hampered. It is the information highway for the substance misuse field.
Mike Ashton, Editor, DRUG & ALCOHOL FINDINGS
Daily news saves me so much time and still makes sure we are well informed
Helen Rawden, Development and Chief Officer, Dialdruglink
I find DrugScope’s Daily News an excellent way for me to keep in touch with both specific and general issues regarding substance abuse.
Leonard Jason-Lloyd
DrugScope Daily News does what it says on the can. It delivers on a daily basis comprehensive news coverage on drugs issues from the United Kingdom and around the world. An invaluable resource for any professional working in the field of drugs and drug addiction
Paul Cook, International Consultant on Drugs and Drug Trafficking
The daily news is where my day begins, it focuses my mind by reflecting the wide breadth of issues within the substance use field and how these then translate into policy, practice and the media. I never fail to find something that I can apply to my own practice, either teaching at a preventative level or training professionals, and I am able to quickly disseminate relevant research and toolkits to others who can benefit from it.
Laura Holmes, Drug & Alcohol Education Adviser
Just thought I'd add my support for the DrugScope Daily.
I like that anybody can get access to this, that all you need is an interest in substance use issues and a computer and you can access all documents and articles about the substance use field. For once this is an exercise in very good communications.
Nice one.
Iain Gray, (Southwark DAAT)
I find DrugScope’s daily news to be an excellent resource, which keeps me in touch with international as well as national substance misuse news - and not infrequently produces valuable articles and documents, worth down-loading and keeping for later reference. I have passed the link to drug scope on to a number of colleagues, who have subsequently signed up and spoken highly of the service.
Dr Mark Hallam, RAPS/DRR Medical Lead, Leeds Community Drugs Partnership, St Martin’s Health Care Services, Leeds
The DrugScope daily news have been a great help for keeping us and our blog readers up to date with what's going on in other parts of the world. I don't have the time to gather all this information by myself and I really do appreciate all the work done by putting all this together each day.
Karine Bélanger, bibliothécaire / librarian, Centre québécois de documentation en toxicomanie, Centre Dollard-Cormier - Institut universitaire sur les dépendances, MONTRÉAL (Québec)
DrugScope’s Daily News is second to none in providing accurate, trustworthy drug news. I summarise the most relevant articles for my Family Support Group members who eagerly await the news which provides excellent Group discussion items. Keep up the good work!
Patricia Boydell (Facilitator), Harbour Project Support Group
DrugScope Daily would be a remarkably important resource if it were only weekly, or monthly for that matter. To have it delivered each day, and for free to boot, is a colossal undertaking and a tremendously invaluable service to all those interested in the world of drugs and addiction. Moreover, I believe its usefulness should be more widely recognized by those working in pain management, as pain and addiction so often follow common threads that create clinical dilemmas for both practitioners and patients. Please keep up the great work!
Stewart B. Leavitt, MA, PhD; Executive Director, Pain Treatment Topics, USA
I look forward everyday to reading some of the articles contained in the Daily News. It allows me to keep on top of latest research, trends, items of general interest, good practice etc. I hope your service will continue to serve people in the drugs field from a wide variety of different areas, i.e. police, drug workers, education etc. Keep up the good work
Insp 2626 Debbie Walker, Drug Interventions Programme, Programme Manager
DrugScope Daily is up-to-date, sensibly selected, and wonderfully free of ideology
or agenda driven selections. A superb and essential distillation
Kevin Flemen, KFx
I am currently in my second year of my degree studies in Managing Drug and Alcohol Misuse, I also work full time in Open Access. Drugscope Daily has been a fantastic resource for gaining differing perspectives, updates and guidance to more research. Gaining knowledge from so many resources has been invaluable in my development in both my work and my studies.
Antony Henstock, Open Access Coordinator, Drugline Lancashire Ltd
I use DrugScope Daily News regularly to keep abreast of reports, upcoming issues and developments in the world of drugs and alcohol. It is an invaluable resource, which helps me to provide an up to date, relevant and professional service to colleagues, stakeholders and service users.
I would not have the time in my day to find even 5% of the information I obtain from DrugScope Daily News.
I believe if DrugScope Daily News was not available, it would be detrimental to my personal and service development,
Eric Jackson, Shelter Support Officer, Hackney DAAT
This is an excellent service of immense value in highlighting key documents, events, issues and debates. It is equal to having a dedicated research assistant surveying sources and accessing important information. It is particularly valuable in covering both alcohol and drugs nationally and locally and in reviewing international developments to provide comparative data. I cannot thank you enough - you have helped me with my research immensely.
Professor Susanne MacGregor, Centre for History in Public Health, Department of Social and Environmental Health Research , Faculty of Public Health and Policy,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London
DrugScope Daily is my first source for international stories. Since I maintain a similar current awareness site in Canada, I know how much time and effort goes into running a great service like this. Much appreciated!
Chad Dubeau, Information Specialist, Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
As a project worker with a communications role, I find DrugScope Daily essential for keeping myself and my team up to date with the latest news, reports and research. It is also vital for keeping my own knowledge base topped up!
Sue Davidson, Project Worker, Worcestershire Drug and Alcohol Action Team
Excellent journal. Keeps me in touch with the news both on the political front as well as the "street". Great for someone who has difficulty keeping up with different publications
G. Dhanani
As a consultant serving drug and alcohol partnerships and provider agencies I find DrugScope Daily news invaluable. It is my ' one-stop' resource to keep my finger on the pulse in terms of what is going on in the field and provides a quick reference to what is topical and how the industry is interpreting events, both nationally and internationally. DrugScope Daily news saves me so much time. I would be lost without it. Thank you so much for this service.
Kay French, Director, ROSS Consultancy (Recovery Oriented Systems Support.)